More than data collection


We’re not just about data.

The team behind I’m In™ offer a range of services through their for-purpose company Healthy Tasmania Pty Ltd.

Healthy Tasmania support people and organisations who support communities to be their best. We make their job easier, more fulfilling, and help them achieve better outcomes.

We fill the gaps.

Our team build connections between people who need help and people who provide help.

There are a lot of people who want help to make a change in their lives, in their organisations or in their communities.

There are also a lot of people who can offer that help. But often, they can’t find each other. 

We fill that gap. 

We build partnerships, we create programs, we advise organisations, we manage projects, we organise people, we write policy. We listen deeply, we solve problems, we work with systems, we build capacity, we share stories, we unleash advocates, we grow passion. We are doers.

We do things differently, to get things done.

Ways we can help you:


Health and Wellbeing

Yep, it’s a thing. A thing that many organisations have never felt more pressure to get right. Luckily, it’s also a thing that our team has been getting right for 20 years. Whether you need a ready-made program or you want to learn from our experience, we can help. We’ll make sure your people feel connected and in control of their health and wellbeing.



Want to turn this so-called ‘soft skill’ into ‘rock hard’ results? Storytelling skills are now a highly sort after addition to your professional toolkit. Whether you need to demonstrate the ‘real-world impacts’ for funding bodies or provide a case study or anecdote to a cooperate, or you just want to fast track change, we can teach you how it’s done or come in and do the heavy lifting for you.



We have a magic wand that will help you and your teams think better, together. Actually, it’s less of a wand and more of a wad… of techniques, tools and tricks that encourage constructive conversations, sense-making, and ideation all whilst staying on task and on time. We love working with large and small groups to get (s*)it done. So yes, it does seem magic; a magic wad.



Out-sourcing is the new black. If you or your organisation need some professional support with evaluation, strategy, policy and governance, grant writing or funds sourcing, problem-solving, strategic communications, recreation planning or community consultation, get in touch. We'll work with your team and do the hard work so you can concentrate on all those other things on your desk.


Keen to chat?

Reach out to our Lucy and we’ll get in touch.

Lucy Byrne

Managing Director

+61 409 937 421
